Saturday, February 20, 2010

Knitting inspiration

If i look outside itś not very inpiring site for me. This winter is so long but i´m just longing for flowers and sunshine. So i desided to look threw last years summer photos and found some very nice fotos i´ve made. So i wanted to show you these summer green photos that give me inpiration to make new spring summer items :)
And i also will show you some new items that i´ve made :)
Here is a cute set for boys. Modeling is my Markkus :)
And also a knitted minidress/tunic with white flowers.


  1. Wonderful pictures and great new creations!

  2. Käin ikka aeg ajalt siin ja varasemalt isetegijas piilumas, sinu blogi on nagu üks värviteraapia. Ja nüüd on tekkinud üks küsimus, olen ka mitu nokaga mütsi heegeldanud ja hetkelgi üks pooleli, aga ei jää hästi hoidma. Sinul seevastu mütsi nokad ilusti hoiavad, kas kasutad mingit tugevdust sees, äkki jagaksid tillukesi näpunäiteid, oleksin väga tänulik sulle
